Tuesday, April 18, 2006

CD Komedi Anak Unggulan

Murah Meriah Berkualitas Yang Sangat Membantu
Harga Rp 30.000,-

Awalnya saya sih tidak terlalu tertarik dengan tawaran yang satu ini. Saya pikir anak saya masih terlalu kecil untuk bermain dengan komputer, mungkin nanti saja kalau sudah TK baru dikenalkan. Tapi kebetulan suami saya dapat promo gratis satu, ya udah nyoba deh..Ternyata oh ternyata…. Iffah anak saya sueeneng sekali.. CD ini memang banyak menunya, mulai mengenal huruf, mengenal angka, mengenal bentuk sampai mewarnai gambar. Masing-masing juga terdiri dari beberapa menu lagi, seperti puzzle (huruf, angka, bentuk) , game pasangan, game memori, tebak suara, mencocok bayangan dan berhitung. Benar-benar membantu kita para orang tua dalam mengenalkan huruf, angka, angka dan bentuk kepada anak-anak secara menyenangkan. Favorit Iffah adalah puzzle. Puzzle apapun dia suka. Sebelum ini dia belum pernah mengendalikan mouse. Paling-paling di komputer liat film aja. Tapi sekarang malah kalo saya mendekat untuk membantu dia larang, “Ummi tidak usah bantu,” katanya. Jadilah sekarang di usianya yang 3 tahun dia sudah bisa “d….donat”, “u…ular”. Sekarang malah bisa menambah sendiri, “u…ummi”, “a….anas” (adiknya).Sebenarnya CD ini diperuntukkan anak usia 2-6 tahun, tetapi anak-anak dibawah usia itu ternyata juga suka lho…Setelah melihat manfaatnya, saya memutuskan untuk menjadi distributor. Jadi, bagi para orang tua atau pendidik yang berminat, bisa mengirimkan email ke: mustikadh@yahoo.com.Biaya pengiriman disesuaikan dengan permintaan pemesan. Semoga bermanfaat…..

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Assistance needed for dying revert brother

Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006
Asalaamu alaikum,

Indeed to Allah we belong and to Him we will return

I bring you sad news of a revert brother who is terminally ill. His name is Leslie Craddle. He is dying of stomach cancer with which he has been suffering for 7 years. All Praise to Allah, he converted to Islam 2 years ago and when my husband last spoke to him his faith seemed strong.

He is, however, not getting enough support from the Muslims. He and his non-Muslim family have requested that muslims visit him, but very few brothers have visited. He is very weak and asleep most of the time from a combination of exhaustion and pain killers. When asked to make dhikr, he responded that he was too tired.

Brother Julaibib also met his mother today who does not know how the Muslims take care of their dead. She did mention that she wants someone responsible to take charge and that he musn't be forgotten or she will have him buried at her local church.

So, there are three requests:

1. Please encourage the men of your family to visit him so that he can constantly be encouraged to make dhikr and remember Allah and prepare for his meeting with Him. He is now in St Michael's Ward, Trinity Hospice, 30 Clapham Common North Side, London, SW4 0RN. 020 7787 1000.
He can only tolerate short visits so you need to plan for a 5-10 min visit. Visitors can just turn up at any time and the receptionist will show them where to go.

2. Sisters: Please send cards, letters etc., and encourage your children to do so. It doesn't need to be complicated: a dua with a picture drawn by a child are a beautiful and inspiring combination. Address:
Leslie Craddle, St. Michael's Ward, Trinity Hospice, 30 Clapham Common North Side, London, SW4 0RN.

3. A couple of brothers are looking into what can be done for his funeral...

Please keep an ear out in case requests are made for donations to cover the cost etc, also for ladies to attend the janazah prayer and speak to his female relatives. I will send out more information insha' Allah when necessary.

Insha' Allah this is the time to show that we have a community that is capable of establishing the rites of Islam and that we can rise to the challenges and difficulties that our community throws us.

Please pass this information to anyone that can help...particularly if you know anyone retired, on-leave, etc, who has time to visit.

And Allah is the source of all help. May he keep us firm on His Deen in our last moments

Your sister Joanna

Thursday, April 06, 2006

My Cute Children

Muhammad Anas Abdurrahman

Lathifah Rahma Zakiyyah